February 13, 2023 On which social media platform are you most active?Facebook (42.86%)YouTube (0.00%)Instagram (14.29%)TikTok (0.00%)Reddit (0.00%)Snapchat (0.00%)Pinterest (0.00%)Other (0.00%)None (42.86%)Previous Polls February 10, 2023 This Sunday is the Super Bowl.Will you watch the game?Yes (33.33%)No (58.33%)I would if they didn’t block out the American ads on the Canadian feed (8.33%)Previous Polls February 9, 2023 Which of the following would be your ideal gift for Valentine’s Day?Chocolate (0.00%)Flowers (0.00%)Dinner (20.00%)Money (0.00%)Jewelry (0.00%)Spa treatment (20.00%)Nothing other than an “I Love You” (60.00%)Previous Polls February 8, 2023 Should alcohol containers include warning labels about health risks?Yes (33.33%)No (66.67%)Previous Polls February 7, 2023 How many sick days did you take off work in 2022?Zero (50.00%)1-3 (0.00%)3-5 (25.00%)6-8 (25.00%)More than 8 (0.00%)Previous Polls February 6, 2023 Do you support the expansion of healthcare into private clinics to clear the backlog of surgeries?Yes (71.43%)No (28.57%)Previous Polls February 3, 2023 What is something that sparked happiness for you in the last year?Improved health (0.00%)A new family member (16.67%)A new friend (0.00%)Additional money (66.67%)Giving back to your community (16.67%)Meaningful relationship (0.00%)New found hobby (0.00%)Previous Polls February 2, 2023 How many alcoholic drinks do you consume in an average week?I don’t drink alcohol (57.14%)1-3 (28.57%)4-7 (14.29%)8-10 (0.00%)More than 10 (0.00%)Previous Polls February 1, 2023 Tomorrow is Groundhog Day.Who do you trust most for accurate weather?The groundhog (25.00%)Environment Canada (12.50%)The Weather Network (12.50%)TV stations (0.00%)Radio stations (12.50%)None of them (37.50%)Previous Polls January 31, 2023 How do you pay for the majority of your purchases?Credit card (0.00%)Debit card (71.43%)Pre-paid card (0.00%)Cash (28.57%)Previous Polls